Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On Second Thought.......

No need for a husband! Thanks Robin LOL!!! After 5 greulling hours and an entire container of fudge eaten....here's the result!


  1. Whenever my car develops problems, that's when I wish for a husband! Then I think about it and think..naah!

  2. OMG! I think they look awesome! I didn't realize you were trying to put together a whole wallfull! OMG, you did need help...at least another pair of hands to hold the fudge. I would have been having wine and no telling what the bookcases would look like then. Glad for you they are done and I do hope you got a hammer. See now, you are an independent woman. The difference is you can want a man but you don't need one. Trust me, that will earn you respect from a spouse. He won't think you can't survive without him and take you for granted.
